Wednesday, June 1, 2016

KISC Adventures // June 1: Bumpy Beginning?

I did not take this photo lol
Explanation for six month absence from last post: was following through with promise to "bring it on" with Father Time, living vicariously in the moment, too busy having adventures to blog, yadda yadda yadda. (Just kidding--was dying through second semester of second year after stupidly choosing to do a specialist and a major because I could, but nobody needs to know that, right?)

Long story short, epic adventures call for epic documentation, so here goes three months of that!


As some of you may know, I was selected to spend this summer at Kandersteg International Scout Centre as a Short Term Staff, and was *supposed* to leave June 1 around 6:30 PM.

Well, as luck would have it (and as these things always happen, seemingly just to me), 9AM the morning of I'm told my flight has been cancelled and thereafter go into full panic mode.

Fast forward to 9:50 PM all is *seemingly* sorted out and so I finally get on my plane and take off for the first stop--London Heathrow.

Bumpy beginning, but the adventure was only getting started . . . where this potato rolls, the bumps only follow. Stay tuned!

Potato Out.

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