Thursday, June 2, 2016

KISC Adventures // June 2: Lost and Lonely

Yet another picture I did not take lol
So I arrive around 10AM in London, having lost about 5 or 6 hours thanks to time zones, and catch a flight as scheduled to Zurich, arriving at about 3:30 in the afternoon.

This is when the fun starts. Was supposed to meet fellow staff and take train together from the airport to KISC, but the Swiss have a fun way of making things ultra-exclusive for no particular reason--and airport wifi was no exception. Travel buddy plan aborted, I finally made it down to the train station and grabbed a ticket, only to watch my once-an-hour train pull out of the station.

So I wander around the airport for a bit and catch the next train, and all seems to be smooth sailing once more, other than the fact that I'm dragging around a huge piece of luggage and from the faces of the locals seem to be committing some sort of cardinal sin as I try to find a seat on the train. Good Canadian that I am, I also apologize to every person and inanimate object I pass as I do this.

Anyhow, I somehow make my first train transfer at Bern without wifi/Google maps/sufficient English signage and am just starting to think that all is going to be ok when I get off at Spiez for my second train transfer. This is when all hell breaks loose.

According to the train schedule (and my naive, naive self), the train from Spiez to Kandersteg was supposed to arrive at 7:12 on the dot at platform 3. This train was also headed in the direction of Brig. Arriving at the station at 7:11, I get on the train on platform 3, which is just about to pull out, and is marked Brig, thinking I had gotten lucky and giving myself a pat on the back for not having to wait for the next train.

10 minutes later, I realize that I'm in the first class cabin. And I've purchased a second class ticket. And the ticketmaster is headed straight towards me and I probably screwed. But wait, there's more!

When he checks my ticket, gives me a strange look (and I ready myself to feign innocence/ignorance), he proceeds to tell me that I got on the wrong train, and will have to buy a new ticket and spend another two hours to get to KISC.


Brief nightmare (and 77 + 55 Swiss francs) later, this potato finally, finally makes it to Kandersteg. On the (unbeknownst to me) last train, about three hours later than original ETA. And lo and behold, on the train station platform was a wonderful Pinkie to welcome me home. I don't think I've ever been more relieved.

Until next time,

Your Potato Pal

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