Grace SAYS: Commonly used terms

This page does get updated (but not frequently), so check back every once in a while, and you may find something new! :D

(often used in conjunction with "I hate, sucks, ruined my life, etc.") :
I'm still thinking of how to describe him. Let me get back to you on that one.

Either I've grown out of it, or the fact that I no longer see this person means he is officially kicked-off my list of enemies. (OHOHO, yes, I do have one. >:)

Draco Malfoy (of the Dramione world)
One who is infuriatingly good-looking, smart, arrogant, witty, and cynical. Tends to be a badass, but one who somehow nobody can find fault with. Seems to effortlessly excel at everything. Thinks it is amusing to turn the life of one Hermione Granger upside-down and sometimes sideways as well. 

**There are quite a number of Dracoesque characters in many works of fiction that you may be familiar with. A few are: Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices, and Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments.

The merging of the names Draco and Hermione from the Harry Potter series. Used to describe anything related to alternate universe tales of Malfoy-Granger relationships. 

Something that used to be pretty tasty but is no longer any more. If you think I'm referring to the food, you may be slightly retarded. 

Sadly no longer relevant, due to same reasons listed above for 2.

The one student body (in French extended or immersion programs) that can go either way: either great to hang out with, with various similarities to Giftees, or horrid like the normies [e.g. 2].

Update: So far, all Frenchies encountered in IB have been interesting, agreeable, and fun. 

Term used to describe the special population of kids that will be in, still are, or have survived the gifted program. Said kids have certain characteristics that give their identity away when they come into contact with another of their kind. [Often the know-it-alls that suddenly disappeared from your regular classes for TOP SECRET training in government intelligence agencies (I wish).] Tend to be shunned by rest of the kids in school, and later, rest of the society.

Motto: "Think outside the box." Slogan: "Once a giftee, always a giftee."

Otherwise known as "that girl who's just so good at everything." One who possess extreme over-studiousness, with tendencies to over-think, over-react, over-study, over-work, etc. Often with bushy hair. Secretly likes the one that she says she hates (e.g. Draco Malfoy)

** To go with each Draco of another work, there are also various Hermiones. These include: Elizabeth Bennet (P&P), Tessa Gray (tID), and Clary Fray (tMI).

A manifestation of Giftees, normies, or Frenchies. They are enrolled in the IB program, and can either be amazing people, or misplaced normies. Nature's way eventually sorts them out so that by grade 11, true iBeers are the only ones left.

Korean drama; the equivalent of the soap operas (One Tree Hill) that awesome people watch. Featuring tons of great eye-candy, though plotlines are rarely present/make any sense.

The derogatory term used to refer to certain stereotypical kids in the regular stream, who could care less about school work, and like instead to engage themselves in social activities such as school dances, hanging out at the mall, and picking on non-normies.

[Normies and Giftees have an agreed mutual hate system in place. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, normies are considered to be not worth the effort to fraternize with.]

Shiny (pl. shinies)
A person that is pleasing to look at; one with attractive physical qualities.

Teehee (often replaced by ohohos)
The noise I make when I feel like I have made a particularly witty observation, response, or just when I feel like it. 

Giftees, frenchies, or normies that have evolved to the newest level of achievement at science and math [determined by their extremely exclusive entrance exam into the TOPS program, and ability to solve a Rubix cube under a minute]. Not to be mistaken as nerds, they are multi-talented, and great people to hang out with in general.