Okay, well, I'm not a famous blogger yet. SO WHAT? Famous bloggers start small and dream big, so I've included this page in preparation for the future. :-)

Here goes.

1. Who are you?
I am me. Okay, no. I'm a girl (yes, really--I'll punch you if you say otherwise) named Grace. If you can't tell, I'm Asian (and therefore awesome), and Canadian (EH)! I'm currently an inmate at the maximum security prison they call high school, engaged in the brainwashing program known as I.B.

As for what I look like . . . if I told you, I'd have to kill you. 

2. Why did you start this blog?
While I would love to say that I am a truly creative kid who simply loves writing, that'd be a lie. This started as a mandatory daily log assigned by my warden--I mean--computer studies teacher documenting our course progress, and kind of just evolved. 

3. Will you ever update or tell us more about yourself?
*mysterious smile* Patience, young grasshopper. I have a life too, you know! (Even if it doesn't particularly seem like it at times from the content of my posts.) If there are any burning questions that you must receive the answer to else face a horrible death by spontaneous combustion, drop me a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP. :)

In the meantime . . . 

20 Questions, 20 Answers

1. I am . . . 100% completely unlike anyone you've ever met.

2. God knows me best . . .

3. I am 18 years old, but I feel 7 years old…

4. The most important thing in my life is love. (Cheesy, but true.)

5. I always carry my glasses. On my nose. MUAHAHAHAHA! 

6. Something I always do is worry about things that turn out fine.

7. I’m at my happiest when I'm doing something that's meaningful to me.

8. On a Saturday night, you can find me watching Criminal Mind The Mentalist replays, or reading sleeping on the couch.

9. My favorite mode of transport is flying. If only I could.

10. My eyes are nearsighted. Oh well. :/

11. My favorite material possession is . . . as much as I'd like to say money (hehe), it'd probably have to be my watch. I'm a meticulous scheduler, you see.

12. To relax I like to work. 

13. The town I live in is . . . I don't live in a town. I live in a city. 

14. My worst habit is worrying all time.

15. My guilty pleasure is reading Dramione. Which, in hindsight, probably explains my unrealistic expectations of romance and ridiculously skewed understanding of a healthy relationship. Oh well.

16. When I look at someone the first thing I see is if they have a sparkly aura. ;)

17. I think when everything is covered with snow, it is beautiful beyond belief.

18. One thing I can live without is the constant perfectionism monster on my shoulder that won't quit nagging.

19. One thing people don’t know about me is that I hate eggplant. And tomatoes too, to think of it. Also olives, brussel sprouts, and a lot of other vegetables. I'm basically a carnivore. With the exception of potatoes, because potatoes are awesome. And now I have completely gone off on an unrelated tangent. Yet again.

20. My life is the funniest comedy-in-the-making ever. Except sometimes it's also sort of tragic too. Kind of like Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. Laugh to keep from crying.