Monday, August 26, 2013

230. - 236. Nine.

Strange, how the titles of these posts have somehow become not clever preludes to the inane drabble that follows, but rather an indication of how many days it has been since my last post.

Strange, that I started out with such a clear goal in mind but somehow ended up not doing daily posts but rather these haphazardly thrown together recollections of entire days, weeks gone by.

But hey, something is still better than nothing, right? Here goes.

My masterpiece.
Last Monday seems like a world away. I was still working, albeit allowing that sense of secret happiness to emerge every once in a while, revelling in the thought that it was only four more days of wild children to withstand before I was FREE. Younger brother came in to "volunteer". Surprisingly, he was cooperative and helpful. 

Unfortunately, he was deemed too young to stay and not allowed to come back for the rest of the week. It was nice not being the youngest staff member for a day, though. Oh yeah, there was also the volcano challenge! During which the one I made didn't exactly "explode". Eh, at least it looked cool.

Tuesday found me (surprise!) not at work, but at my summer school final exam, which was the only part of the entire course that was not done online. I thought I had aced the thing, but I will never know how I went from a 98 to a 91 with that exam because ironically (for a law course that teaches about the important principle of habeas corpus), the teacher was not required to show us how our final 30% was adjudicated. Meaning she could have failed me for fun and gotten away with it. Oh well. 

On the other hand, I did get my G1 (finally, one and a half years late). Thought I was going to fail the supposedly easy written test, because the five people in front of me each failed by one mark. I'm telling you this as a warning: an uncontrollable force has been unleashed on the world. In the form of me. Directionless, anxiety-prone me. Lovely combination on the road.

Wednesday was back to work! Instead of the trip to a water park we had hyped up all the kids for, technical difficulties (in the way of a forgotten bus booking) resulted in us visiting the CNE instead! No complaints; I'd never been able to turn off my cheap instincts long enough to buy the ride pass, but had the opportunity that day to ride to my heart's content! Went home with some free sunglasses and a still-spinning head. I definitely played harder than the kids did.

One of my favourite rides. And a shiny, just standing there.
Thursday doesn't particularly attach itself to any specific memories. Other than constant inner dialogue telling myself that I've lasted this long and I really couldn't kill the kids because after tomorrow, I would probably never see any of them again. 

And then, the sloooooowest day of the week: Friday. It was an extremely chill last day of camp. Water fights and barbecues, the standard. Highlight: the biggest troublemakers of the summer signed my "camp memories card" with nice messages. Lowlight: the shiny sibling of my camper did not come.


Free to spend Saturday and Sunday doing absolutely not a thing. And now it's Monday and I really need to get my shit together because I still have not finished any of the following:


Econ, History, and Math IAs

UCAS, COPA, and Blythe Scholarship Applications

What am I doing with my life.

Still not sure, but here, have a picture! It's one of the campers' volcanoes, fittingly entitled "Pokemountain".

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