Sunday, August 18, 2013

227. - 229. Lost and Found, in the worst way.

My life is like a sad game of hide-and-seek.

Thursday afternoon, I was treated to finally finding my keys (!!!). Celebrated this a little bit insensitively in front of a girl who had lost her iPod that day. Perhaps karma retaliated in the form of her unimpressed mother whom I had to report the incident to by phone. Oops.

My happiness was short-lived. Friday morning, I promptly lost my phone. Accompanying this is a very embarrassing story involving a bus ride to work and my phone going off and me emptying the contents of my bag on the dirty, dirty TTC floor and not finding my phone and concluding that the call was not from my phone but rather somebody else with the same obscure ringtone because despite what the logical part of my brain may say, the chances of somebody having the same ringtone couldn't be that slim, could they -- I should stop and just. take. a. breath. Anyhow. Didn't think much of the incident at the time and proceeded to search all over the house for my phone over the weekend. Found it on Sunday. In my backpack. *facepalm*

Moving on . . . (or should I say, moving back in time in this decidedly disorganized chronology that is my blog post), Friday morning, 10:24 AM found me in quite a precarious situation.

I was the sole staff standing. In a room surrounded by dead or dying campers. 

Before you call the cops on me, no, I did not go on a wild rampage and shoot them all in a personal vendetta for ruining my summer. But for a moment, just for a split second, my sleep-deprived and admittedly scary imagination found some inspiration.

Inspiration, and any semblance of sanity were then lost over Saturday and Sunday as I somehow managed to spend the entire weekend watching the Carrie Diaries instead of studying for my law exam on Tuesday. 

It probably had something to do with my complete loss of willpower to finish what seems like a never-ending list of IB assignments before the start of school. :(

Cheers to the last week of work starting tomorrow! Wish me luck.

P.S. Sorry, no pics. No time, I'm sure you understand!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, another IB student. It's like I already know you. :)

    keep at it, mate. One day, we'll rule the world.
