Thursday, August 15, 2013

226. Job Search Rant

I know I haven't posted about the last four days yet. That has yet to be written. But right now, I need to RELEASE MY ANGER on something entirely different than the mundane events of the past week.

Today, I decided to browse some summer job listings in preparation for next year, because honestly, I sort of went into this year not knowing exactly what I was doing, and ended up in quite a precarious situation for eight weeks in one of the sketchiest communities I think I will ever grace (no pun intended).

So I saw the listing for my current job, as a Camp Counsellor for general camps. $12.89 an hour, in my opinion not even close to enough for all the suffering I went through these two months. Still, many lessons learnt and whatnot, and I can't really complain because it is my first year working for the city.

And then, I scrolled down, and saw IT. By IT, I mean the summer job that I had somehow miraculously managed to miss during application season way back in January. Specialty Camp Counsellor. $16.98 an hour. Job description? Basically the same as Camp Counsellor, but with expertise in areas such as Art (Drama, Dance, Music, Visual Arts) and Nature. 

Let me repeat that for you: Arts and Nature. Two areas in which I am extensively overqualified for. What with my eight years of piano lessons and harmony lessons and music history lessons and music theory lessons. Not to mention the fact that I've been in Scouting and Girl Guides and thus have basically experienced every kind of hike and outdoor sleeping arrangement there is. I mean, come on, I went winter camping at the age of four.

I am so very upset right now. Because you know what this means? It means that I could have worked for one less week this summer, walked away $500 richer, and probably experienced a whole lot less trouble than I did. 


Note to self: next time, read through entire page of job descriptions before applying. 


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