Wednesday, August 14, 2013

222. - 225. Of Keys, Blue Jays, and Finally, a Photo.

I cannot find my keys. In fact, I have not seen them since last Thursday.

This is strange, because they are attached to a neon yellow whistle as well as a fairly clunky compass. One would think that this would make them difficult to take. Not sure why anybody would want to take them, either.


Shall I recap the week so far? Don't answer that, for I have already decided. I shall.

Monday. Two words: baseball hell. Not sure if it was because our home team sucks (bringing a whole new meaning to Blue Jays), or because I had to entertain a bunch of screaming, riled-up 11-year-olds on the bus-ride back who were probably misdirecting their anger and disappointment at the lacklustre game at each other. Can't blame them. Cue cringe-worthy flashback of fighting campers on bus. Never mind; yes I can.

Did get a nice picture out of it though. Consolation prize, anybody?

Tuesday: more hell. Don't really want to talk about it.

Wednesday: wasn't much better. Thought the week was miraculously going to get better following perfect timing at three bus-stops leading to me getting home by 5:30. That's right, in under an hour (considering that fact that I left work at 4:40ish). Of course, I then proceed to find myself locked out of the house until 6:10 PM because my mother forget that my keys were missing and my precious brother decided he would rather go to the skate park then stay at home and let me in.

The remedy for all this stress and frustration with the cosmos? 

I headed on over to and read stories of people with sadder (albeit, existent) lives than me.

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