Sunday, August 11, 2013

208. - 221. STOP! In the Name of School...

Until you lose your cool...

I lost my cool. Working all day, and working all night. Thanks to that retarded choice of taking online law this summer under the mistaken assumption that it would be an easy 99. Yeah, no. That's the 14-day hiatus explained in a nutshell.

Now to sum up two weeks in one blog post!

Let's see. 

Last week of July/August...? Not much in terms of memory recall. I really need to follow through with those daily updates. I remember it being a very crappy week filled with many 2AM mornings trying to frantically write 6 essays about law readings that I did. Not. Do. And then, getting through the day like a zombie while attempting to discipline 30 kids that cannot, for the life of them, follow a single instruction.

We did work on a "volcano project", though, which was cool. Well, at least my super-creative idea was. And then some kid ruined it when I wasn't looking. If I can salvage a photo, I'll post in a later post. The long weekend (Civic Holiday Monday) was marvellous, particularly the part where I went out shopping and getting a life instead of doing any of my IB summer homework (namely the EE and three IAs). Oops. Know I'll regret that one later.

The past week was okay as well, what with a super-shorted week (no Monday makes a huge difference, obviously). Tuesday and Wednesday went by pretty uneventfully.

Thursday though . . . it was strange. Not to get into too many details (for fear of a lawsuit after some concerned parent/individual reads this somehow), but there is an extremely shiny camper where I work who I thought at first was my age and not a camper. And then later discovered was two years younger. Which automatically makes any thought I may have had in the beginning completely inappropriate. Anyhow, this kid had the gall to ask me about the whereabouts of my "boyfriend", and after initial confusion and a non-committal grunt, I realized a great deal later (too late) that he had mistaken my fellow staff member and I for two in a relationship. Long story short (I say that too much nowadays, and abuse these parentheses, yes I do), he is shiny and completely off limits and I thought the week would never end after Thursday.

And then there was Friday. And a crazy event called Youth Unite. And 400 people from other camps at our community centre, including 40 kids under my direct supervision.

You can imagine the hecticness of it all. But there was that silver lining . . . one of my co-captains was (surprise!) an age-appropriate shiny who I actually managed to carry on a decent conversation with and totally would have tried to keep-in-touch with at the end of the day if not for my work duties getting in the way (darn kids! should have just signed yourselves out!)

And then I went home on Friday and passed out until Saturday afternoon. And then receded back to the normal, no-life routine of writing 6 essays a day for the rest of the weekend.

I think I've had too much excitement these two weeks. I need a rest.

This isn't even making sense anymore. I'll talk to you later.

P.S. Potential employers and parents of camp participants, please don't sue me. Everything in this post is an absolute lie and I am merely a high school student exercising her skills in creative writing.

P.P.S. Sorry for the lack of photos. I promise they will arrive soon. 

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