Sunday, July 28, 2013

109. - 207. Octet

Laws of the [Hopping Grass] Land:

1. Thou shall not question my eight-day hiatus.
2. Thou shall not question my lack of pictures.
3. Thou shall not question my use of strange, arbitrary laws.


Sunday, dad and I explored the UofT Robarts library. It was almost empty. I got to sniff 200-year-old books. It was heavenly.

Monday, a day of work, brought with it some interesting moments:

1. After playing the arm game of "pet store" with one of my campers, she launched her own rendition on me that involved a lonely Jewish man with no wife. Don't ask me where she got the idea from.

2. We played frisbee golf. I can't throw a frisbee, nor can I golf. And nope, I didn't find myself to be a hidden talent at the combination of the two, either.

3. I went on an hour-long subway adventure to the location of my online summer school in-person orientation. I got lost. Multiple times.

4. The royal baby was born! Strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with me. But it's named GEORGE! Just like the orange I won from Playdium. Coincidence? I think not.

Tuesday came with the realization that my attempts at maintaining a penpal from the UK were basically guaranteed for failure. Also, I realized that I might be math dyslexic.

Wednesday, we brought our camp to an area-wide floor-hockey tournament, where we basically crushed everybody. Our kids may be crazy and uncontrollable, but they sure-as-heck are good at sports.

Thursday. Hm. I don't recall much. Maybe I was abducted by aliens and had my memory wiped? Edit: The reason why I don't remember what happened is because my memories of Wednesday are what happened on Thursday, and my memories of indoor trampolining on Wednesday were somehow ommited. *facepalm*

Friday = DRAMA et la natation. Comme d'habitude.

And then these two sacred weekend days [Saturday and Sunday] were spent summer-schoolin' enough to get myself one day ahead of schedule.

I also had a ball freaking out to Mumford and Sons when the realization hit me that this is what I have to get done before school starts:

CAS Journals
Extended Essay first draft
UCAS, COPA, and Blyth Scholarship Applications (along with getting references and writing those blasted essays)
Math, History, and Economics IAs
Find a new AYC


Summer school
Family time

Dear oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?


Brief explanation of Laws:

1. [Reason unavailable]
2. Monthly internet usage quota at limit.
3. See Summer School - Law Course.

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