Friday, July 19, 2013

192. - 196. Ups and Downs

Not going to lie, Monday and Tuesday this week were a little rough. My tolerance level has never been anything remarkable, and the lack of sleep due to the annoyingly persistent heatwave sweeping through town make me ready to go off like a firecracker.

Ashamed to say that I did a couple of times those first two days.

Wednesday was the day our trip to the beach got cancelled due to lack of accountability owing in part to lack of discipline in our camp. Truthfully, I didn't mind so much as feels-like-40-degrees-weather wasn't that inviting for a whole day outside anyway. Highlight of the day was getting to watch four pre-teen boys playing Just Dance on the Wii, dancing and singing unabashedly in synchronized harmony to Call Me Maybe. I almost died laughing.

It was very hard to "look right at [them]" without cracking up.
Thursday's moment pour mémoriser happened during the weekly literacy workshop. Earlier in the morning, a fellow counsellor gave a serious lecture to the participants warning them not to sit on the benches in the gym, which had been turned on their sides as boundary markers for a game of soccer. He told them that doing so could result in the bench falling over, which would "crack their bones" and "bust their heads open".

This lecture clearly made very deep impressions on certain campers, as it resurfaced during an exercise where campers were asked to rewrite fairy tales with twists into a comic strip. Yes, a group wrote about Humpty Dumpty (though not strictly a fairy tale character but rather one from a nursery rhyme) sitting on a bench, and busting his head open. After the staff member had told him not to. Genius.

Notably, the staff member tells the brain matter of Humpty (dispersed all over the gym floor) "I told you so" in one panel. Oh, and the story concludes with the staff member having made an omelette out of Humpty's remains and eating for dinner, with the caption: "And they all lived happily ever after. Except Humpty of course", followed by the fine print, " Do not try this at home". There are days when I love my job very, very much.

And then there was Friday afternoon in the pool when I had two girls glomp onto me, claiming to be ABC ("already been chewed") pieces of gum on a shoe (me).


Next week is the halfway point! :D

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