Sunday, July 14, 2013

191. Sour Dreams

File:Pringles Sour Cream & Onion.jpg

[Insert picture of person sleeping and dream bubble encapsulating the above chip can here]


I dreamt about chips last night.

This a noteworthy moment of the tipping point where my intense craving for Pringles Sour Cream and Onion chips has finally become something more: an obsession.

That, or my inner Asian cheapskate has come out to play.

The dream scenario was based off a frustrating real life experience from a couple of days ago, when I was at T&T Supermarket and an ad for $1 chips caught my eye. When I finally located the chip aisle, lo and behold, there were no $1 chips. Of course, this was the day where I forgot to bring my phone to take a picture, and so I went home empty-handed, excitement over getting some sour cream chips completely crushed.

Stupid deceptive marketing practices. >:(

I thought that I had gotten over my squandered chips, but I guess the emotional turmoil impacted me on a much deeper level than I had imagined. 

Indeed, memories of a lost can of chips were etched profoundly in my psyche, for in my dream last night, they made a dramatic reappearance.

Long story short, I got my chips.

May 11, 1982 - July 13, 2013
And now to make everything I've written up until this point seem utterly meaningless and trivial, today we mourn the loss of Cory Monteith, who I spent three seasons of Glee lovingly calling "Constipated Face Finn".

He was a true gem of showbiz, but even rarer, seemed to be a genuinely likeable person in real-life. This is a sad day for Gleeks everywhere. We will forever miss your awkward Canadian presence on the show. Nobody will ever be able to replicate The Face.

Rest in Peace.

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