Saturday, July 13, 2013

186. - 190. Straw Analogies

It was a week best summed up as turbulent.

Tuesday was especially bad. Lack of communication amongst staff at camp reached an apex today, and backtalk from that One Persistent Troublemaking Camper was the last straw. I promptly lost it and ran into a washroom crying, while a voice in my head screamed I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO.

After 5 minutes of sobbing in a smelly stall with no toilet paper, I was forced to accept the fact that the decision to quit an easy job with well-behaved kids to work in a priority neighbourhood (made in a moment of ill-thought-out naivete) was exactly that -- already made. So I sucked it up and returned to work.

With Wednesday (trip day), there came a light at the end of that tunnel that I thought was the last straw. Bringing the kids to Playdium, a sort of small-scale Casino for kids, I managed to both enjoy myself as well as begin to find my niche as a camp counsellor. The truth was that I was never going to be the super-cool, silly, or athletic one, but I could be a good friend to the new/quiet/shy kid, which was nice too.

Also, I managed to win myself a prize while playing some arcade games with the kids.

Meet George. He is not impressed. At least, that's what I'm getting from the facial expression.

When Thursday and Friday passed by pretty smoothly, I thought the worse had passed. But alas, the heavens were not yet done with me.

Saturday morning was a lovely episode of Family Feud: Special Wireless Edition with the star couple fighting yet again, via internet correspondence.

Which put me into a bad enough mood to start reading sappy YA. Which is like drugs I tell you: temporary high and now crashing as I realize that YA romance is just another name for repackaged Disney.


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