Monday, July 8, 2013

184. - 185. Age is Only a Number // Cats and Dogs

Don't hurt your head too much trying to figure out what the above picture has to do with age, because it doesn't.

Am exhausted from crazy day with campers and even crazier weather, but still thought I'd share a funny anecdote.

Due to the fact that I'm slightly younger than most of the camp staff I've met and am working with this summer, a recurrent piece of advice was to keep my age a secret from the kids in order to better assert authority as well as avoid respect problems with older campers.

Today, I finally got the innocent "How old are you?" from a camper, which I had completely anticipated and prepared for. The part I didn't expect were the comments that followed my sly "It's a secret." Her exact words: "I bet you're in college: 19 or 20 years old?" [pause] and then, "Are you married?"

EL OH EL. Kids. *shakes head*

It only occurred to me later that I should have said yes to really mess with her head. >:)

Sidenote: very glad to have power and internet back after an almost 6-hour blackout. Will get ready to sleep now.

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