Monday, July 1, 2013

163. - 178. Blurry Vision

I never go running with my glasses.

An actual picture.
Practicality aside, this helps, I find, with the difficult task of relinquishing control: giving up that   cumbersome worry about how the critical eyes that surround and constantly judge perceive me. Without the fear of appearing red-faced, sweaty, and ridiculous, or worse, appearing so in front of somebody I know, I am free to lose myself in the trance that is exercise. Rhythmic foot falls on an unending side-walk and an unburdened mind become a daily twenty minute nirvana.

Until I inevitably crash into a tree.


I have no idea what I just wrote, but for the sake of not dragging this exam/post-exam hiatus out any longer, I think I'll keep what I have and just keep writing.

Days 163 to 166 passed by in a whirlwind of exams and loose papers all over my bedroom floor.

167 and 168 were short-lived remorse over bombing the math and chemistry exams, with a bit of anxiety thrown in as various mark-lowering scenarios were modelled with a fancy $9.99 calculator.

169 and 170 consisted of me deciding I no longer gave a damn and partying it up (the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, yay) by attending eight hour job training sessions while friends had pool parties.

171 shall not be spoken of. It will suffice to briefly mention a downtown escapade involving 132 minutes of Chris Pine admiration (much too short) and a scrap-out with pigeons. Oh, and less-than-stellar exam resul--but we wil not speak of that.

172 was truly interesting. Job-related, but a story to be saved for tomorrow, if I survive tomorrow.

Which leaves 173, 174, and 175. Two involved lab rats, two involved birthday cakes, three involved movies, and one involved sleeping before 12 AM. Take your pick.


I still have no idea what I am talking about.

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