Thursday, July 4, 2013

179. - 181. Crossroads

This, my friend, is a picture that truly speaks a thousand words.

First and foremost, I would like to make an apology to all of my non-existent readers (but I swear there will be some of you, one day. I know it!) for *poofing* for three days without checking in at all.

Secondly, can somebody make sure that if I ever show any sort of inclination towards driving or operating any motorized transport, I am immediately locked up and prescribed thought reassignment?

Okay, maybe not the latter, I might have gotten a little too Superman there, but honestly. I feel like an alien in this world of humans (yet another allusion to Superman) who were born with some internal configuration allowing for orientation and recognition of directions.

The picture at the top of this post brilliantly encapsulates (word choice is strange, I know. It's been two weeks without English. I fear for my ability to communicate in the language by the end of the summer) the precise feeling of terror I experienced at each bus transfer point on my way to work and back on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

It was so bad,  exaggeration could not heighten my tale of woe and calamity. I actually managed to almost get on the wrong bus three times in two days, saved from an exciting joyride across the city each time by a multitude of kind strangers who alerted me that I was heading in the wrong direction. On the plus side, this did give me a chance to hone my ability to make casual conversation with strangers. Which is always an asset, especially when you are as awkward of a turtle as me.

That aside, I don't believe I've actually disclosed what has been keeping me so very busy these couple of days.

Because I like suspense (and also because I'm tired and need to rest), I think I'll leave some clues and do the big reveal tomorrow. Here goes:

1) It involves 30 - 40 of the things I might actually dislike the most in the whole world.
2) It involves 45 - 60 minutes of my morning and evening navigating the city in that metal contraction known as public transit. But you already knew that.
3) It involves watching Man of Steel for free!
4) It involves me collapsing of fatigue everyday at 10 PM or earlier.

and lastly . . . 

5) It involves lots and lots of paperwork.

Good luck, and see ya tomorrow!

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