Monday, June 17, 2013

156. - 162. Drunk Musings

This whole one-post-for-multiple-days-without-a-single-darn-picture thing won't become a thing. I promise.

It'll just have to be one these two weeks, though, what with final exam cramming and whatnot.

So. Since I was ridiculously entertaining last time (sleep deprived, ring any bells?), I thought I'd see if I was even more entertaining this time drunk. On exam studying, that is. 

What did you think I was talking about? 

A whole weekend's worth, to be precise. Which should make me about as coherent as someone who has downed a couple, but we'll see.


Mysterious chemistry class. If "without a clue of what the heck I'm doing" counts as mysterious, it certainly is the word to describe how identifying an unknown powder using any and all methods available went. Managed not to produce any toxic fumes though. I think.

Tuesday found me interviewing people for next year's athletic council. I like being the interviewer. It gives one a sense of power. Heh.

Wednesday and Thursday flew by with a lot more interviewing. Turns out, the novelty of power wears off fast. By the 80th interview, I actually started to forget which questions I had asked and which I didn't, especially because so many of the answers were so similar and uninspiring. Blergh. Must suck to be a college interviewer. Now I understand why Ivy League schools are so impressed with kids who have climbed Mount Everest on a pogo stick, having learnt the local language and found a possible cure for cancer along the way. It's different, that's for sure. And sort of impressive in its own right, I guess. But just a bit.

FRIDAY. I was very upset on Friday. You see, every Wednesday, after the Panther Press newspaper meeting, I get on the 3:30 bus. This is my favourite bus ride of the week, because a) the bus is never crowded at this time, and b) there is a very interesting human being who unfailingly takes the bus at that time every day. 

Now since I usually take the 3:15 bus, Wednesdays are usually my only chance to observe said interesting human being for 20 minutes as I bus to my first point of transfer. I should probably mention that said interesting human being is easy on the eyes, but more importantly a genuinely kind person. Whom I have only spoken to once in a completely embarrassing encounter, but that's a story for another time. 

Anyhow. This week, I had stayed after school every day to conduct interviews, so I had not gotten my weekly 20 minutes. Unfazed, I made sure to book the last interview on Friday at 3:10, allowing myself plenty of time to make up for the missed encounter. Of course, the interviewee, for reasons beyond her control, showed up late, thus causing me to miss the 3:30 bus. 

This probably wouldn't be such a big deal, if not for the sad fact that despite two years for Wednesday bussing, I still don't know the slightest thing about Interesting Human Being. Not a name, nor an age, nor anything else. It only struck me after I got home on Friday that perhaps he was a year older than me. Meaning this year would be the last year of high school for him. Meaning he would never take the bus at the same time again. Meaning I would never see him again.

Sometimes, I hate fate.

But I've spent too long describing the happenings of Friday.

Saturday and Sunday were exam study. But you already knew that. 

Also, Happy Father's Day (belated, if 19 minutes counts as 'late')!

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