Monday, June 10, 2013

138. - 155. Well, this is awkward.

I didn't mean to pull an 18-day Houdini on you, beloved blog.


But holy cow has life been busy lately. You'll notice that I'm writing this at 12:40 am, for it is only by sacrificing dear hours of sleep that I am able to write anything at all. So deep runs my dedication to maintaining this blog.

I feel precariously close to drifting off right now and landing on the keyboard (a gesture that probably wouldn't be appreciated), but hey, I started this project of daily chronicles and I WILL SEE IT THROUGH! YESSIREE!

So where was I. Ahh. Right.

I have been very busy for the last *almost* three weeks. Up to what, exactly? Hold your horses, I'm getting there. 

Let's see:

May 24, 25, and 26 were spent at a Scouts camp. It would have been a pleasant weekend, if not for Unmentionable Events that occurred and caused plenty of hard feelings but that's all water under the bridge now and yeah never mind that.

The twenty-sixth was also quite dreadful: failed a chemistry test (actually), and also had a row with my Scout leader. Not fun.

Twenty-seventh was slightly better, almost completely due to receiving satisfactory Economics exam/final mark. Not too shabby.

Twenty-eighth quickly regressed into horrid "lesson" (I put it in quotations because I didn't take away a thing, and the teacher wasn't even to blame) on organic chemistry, followed by lovely waste of 75 minutes discussing torture extremely rewarding 4000 extended essay needed to graduate IB.

Twenty-ninth: not much happened. English teacher absent, so presentation pushed back for second time in row. Partner drew short stick, leading to us scheduled to present culminating project first.

THREE ZERO! Glades! She said YES! I don't even know why I even bother with the show anymore. It's not even good. Eh.

31st/1st spent English Culminating-ing and Stupid Bio Lab-ing and Summer Job Preparing-ing (wait . . . no. No -ing needed on that). Everything basically but oh-so-important GROUP FOUR PROJECT.

Then we move into JUNE. 

June second was more English Culminating-ing and more lack of GROUP 4 PROJECT-ING (no, NOT projecting, PROJECT-ING).

3rd: Completely messed up English art presentation. And then proceeded to have (in hindsight) completely humiliating breakdown in front of English teacher. Told her it was stress and thankfully, she let it be. Still, my image is FOREVER RUINED! DUNDUNDUN. Oh well.

4th: Athletic BBQ. As next year's co-president, was given test of leadership abilities by being told to MC on the spot. Failed pretty drastically. 

Ja-ja-ja-jooooon 5th: English culminating. Didn't even attempt to memorize this time, in fear of failing spectacularly again. P-p-p-party for Panther Press! I liked the maple cupcakes our staff advisor made. They made me feel very giddy.

6th: MORE BBQ. This time with Scouts. They chose super-spicy hotdogs. I don't like super-spicy hotdogs. My tongue is still crying.

SEVENTH: Watched The Graduate with dad. Fun. >:)

8th: Work training all day. Boring, but hey, I was PAID! 

9th: Group 4'd all day. Didn't get very far.

And now we're all caught up.


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