Saturday, October 5, 2013

258. - 276. Well,

What can I say? Daily posts were more of a commitment then I thought. Nevertheless, fear not, for I am back (at least for the time being), and so begins a summary of the happenings of two weeks. If you're good, you may receive a cookie at the end.

Where to begin, where to begin...

Last week was an absolute horror, having to successfully execute the annual Terry Fox Run whilst simultaneously stressing over university applications, not to mention school work (math and bio quizzes!) and Scouts, and general domestic fracas.  Thursday and Friday were particularly bad. You see, I had applied for school nomination for a scholarship which I was sure that I was a shoo-in for, only to find out that I had not gained one of the three coveted slots. 

I'll admit, at the time, I was not very happy. A million bitter thoughts ran through my mind, even as I forced a smile and congratulated my close friend, who had been one of the lucky three. I could not shake the conclusion that the whole process was blatantly unfair--after all, I perfectly exhibited the characteristics the award was supposed to be about, but seemed to have lost to people who has more impressive extracurriculars (which weren't even related to what the scholarship panel was looking for) than me. 

Eventually, I  got over it. The daunting task was accomplished by reminding myself that I had not seen the other candidates' applications, so who was I to judge whom was worthy and whom was not? Even if the process was unfair, such is life; there really wasn't anything more I could do. I think being able to reach this conclusion was the only way I was able to move forward into another crazy week. There was simply no time to brood.

The following week, however, was not much better. A bout of nervousness resulted in silly mistakes on a very important math test, and generally poor performance in terms of class participation. I simply did not feel myself.

Today (Friday) was a less-than-desirable end to a less-than-desirable two-week stretch. Here's to hoping things will get better soon. After all, I don't think there's any way to go but up from here.

Thanks for sticking it out with me in this somewhat depressing post. It's not as entertaining as my regular writing, but sometimes I just need to get my thoughts down without having to worry about wording them eloquently and/or wittily. 

Now, as promised, the treat:
Maybe happiness can be bought.

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